Wednesday, May 1, 2013

DIY Laundry Soap...Part Deux has sparked my creativity and resoursefulness. I scour the pages often for inspiration, which is irritating to my husband as I always want to "try something".

I "tried" homemade laundry soap...and I love it. I have chosen to go the unscented route.I have had much success using a receipe I found on Jillee's site,  Wow, what a great blog.

The first batch I made on 12/2/12 and used it until 5/1/13 which is a full 5 months for a family of 4.  Plus, I work at Wawa in the Deli and I am always wiping food stuffs on my apron. Happily, I go to work each day with a clean apron without any stains.

I just made my second batch, and I have noted the date made so that I can see how long the next batch lasts. Sometimes I use extra if I feel the load is larger, or dirtier but mostly I use it just as suggested.

1 large glass jar from Wal-mart ($10)
1 fine cheese grater from Tuesday Morning ($8)
1 stainless steel coffee scoop (1/8 cup or 2 tablespoons) from Wal-Mart ($2.50)
3 bar fels-naptha soap from Wal-mart (.97) or 1.5 bar Zote soap from Wal-mart (1.00) or a blend.
1 box baking soda
1 box washing soda
1 box borax

I use one scoop for a medium sized load.

Jillee's site calls for add in scent and oxi-clean, I like unscented and only use oxi as needed. So I omitted those, its my preference, I can do that since it's DIY (do-it-yourself).

I layered the powder and soap into the jar repeating layers, using a flour sifter to get the chunks out of the powders, and mixed it with a wire whisk, as the jar fills up you have already mixed the bottom layers well so you don't have to use so much elbow grease to mix the bottom. The powder flys around alot when you are pouring into another container so I wanted to skip that step if possible, and it worked out pretty good.

Good Luck...I hope this works for you.

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