Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Yeah! Movin' on up.

I have upgraded from customer service associate!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday aka GUNS!

Tom said that my midlife crisis involves ammunition, and
 Zach said I looked cool carring this rifle back to the truck.
I can't disagree with either of them!
Thanks to some friends of ours we were able to have a nice outting in the woods.
Thanks to God, he allowed me to have the outting I have been looking forward to for weeks by clearing up the rain and giving us a window for our outting. 
Apparently my midlife crisis is a family affair.
I'm ok with that too.

Church Basket ball - YW Play-offs

Anna fought for the ball when someone tried to take it,
and in the tournament she stole the ball and got a point in a game they won.
 We had moments of greatness.
2013 YW Church Ball

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Gotta love a Sunday!

This really just captures the beauty of a Sunday. What could be better than a nap with family?