Thursday, February 21, 2013

Live by Your Own Rules

Live by Your Own Rules: "Viva is fresh and unexpected. A sexy daring blend of notes that brings out the duality of a woman. The Viva woman is powerful, yet seductive. She lives life by her own rules."
- Fergie

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cinnamon Rolls of Love...

Anna is really enjoying her Teen Living class (AKA Home Ec...for the 80's Generation)...and she is learning lots of things like sewing and cooking...Pinterest has been a great inspiration for both Anna and myself...and we have been making things from our boards...
Anna checking if the rolls have risen


after the rolls have baked

ready to eat! Yummy!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Anna said she wants one.

No batting is used but cloth is 4 layers thick.

Woven and stitched straight near edges with zipper foot.

Baby quilt made with woven strips of cotton from inspiration on pinterest.