Monday, July 9, 2012

What a captured moment...

This picture of Zach just really captures his personality

 as does this one...
need I say more?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Forth of July -- Sharon Hill -- Fun Run

The Sharon Hill Fourth of July Fun run has been a family tradition of ours for several years. We have all participated as a family in one form or another. Tom did the fun run with friends when we were dating, then Anna was in the Baby parade and Tom ran with her in the jogger...then ran with zach when he came along...I ran and nearly died...then I ran and finished...still nearly dying...and Zach has been running for the past few years...
Zach does about a 9 minute mile which is why I couldn't get a good picture.

Please note he was the youngest competitor and has been since he was born...
They pointed out that zach has been participating in this race consecutively since he was an infant and his father ran the race with him in a stroller.