Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jeans...part duex...

 I repurposed a pair of my oldest sons jeans...
and jazzed them up girly style, turns out it is one of the best bags I have ever lugged around.
I should have done this years ago. Even made a coordinating wallet.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Relief Society Christmas Party

tho I was unable to attend...the part I executed turned out ok in my book...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Girls Night Out...

Well the girls at work talked me into going out with them to a club...what a wacky night!
After I sifted through my church clothes and realized I had nothing to wear at a club, there was an intervention by my sister, my daughter and the girls at work...and some how I managed to shop and not look like an old bag lady.
I was out to eat without my children... OMGOODNESS!
We waited in line at the Club...
Had VIP Seating...
and kicked it with the girls!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

DIY Laundry Detergent...

So this exciting thing about making homemade laundry detergent has exploded...
Because 2 ingredients are always sold out at Wal-mart! Washing Soda and borax! OMGoodness!

Eventually I did find what I wanted...and tried it...and loved it.
Can't see me spending the money to buy brand names again.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


 Zach as Tony Stark...
since he could not wear his mask at Church...
 Anna was a Zombie Football player...
and I love Minerva McGonnagal

Friday, October 5, 2012

I felt like I was 12 again...

What a great night. We celebrated with Leah and her girls for Heather's birthday by roller skating.
What a blast I had. It had been far too long since I had any kid like fun like roller skating. While I did fall 2 times and required a extra special prompt appointnment with my chiropractor, I had more fun then I thought was possible. My kids realized I could skate and skate well, once I rolled to the side and got back up again. This will forever be one of those moments I think back and treasure.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

New Dining Room chair...DIY before and after

Batter and tattered...
 a little effort and a new power tool...
And new and pretty!

Monday, July 9, 2012

What a captured moment...

This picture of Zach just really captures his personality

 as does this one...
need I say more?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Forth of July -- Sharon Hill -- Fun Run

The Sharon Hill Fourth of July Fun run has been a family tradition of ours for several years. We have all participated as a family in one form or another. Tom did the fun run with friends when we were dating, then Anna was in the Baby parade and Tom ran with her in the jogger...then ran with zach when he came along...I ran and nearly died...then I ran and finished...still nearly dying...and Zach has been running for the past few years...
Zach does about a 9 minute mile which is why I couldn't get a good picture.

Please note he was the youngest competitor and has been since he was born...
They pointed out that zach has been participating in this race consecutively since he was an infant and his father ran the race with him in a stroller.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Storm brought down the tree...missing the house!

Thank goodness the tree that came down missed the house...

but Zach was able to make the best of it. He was a great help to dad sawing it up.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Zach's birthday present...

Zachary is quite the athlete...and it is no surprise that he is also a pretty good golfer for a kid...

Needless to say he was surprised when my parents got him a set of clubs for his birthday.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Anna gets Glasses..

Well my poor little girl can't see the board right so now she has glasses. She has chosen quite the fashionable frames..don't you think...

Friday, May 18, 2012

The perfect clock for the space...

I have searched long an hard for the perfect clock to fill this space. It is located on a wall that is visible from the living room and the kitchen. A short time after hanging this huge clock on the wall, you can imagine my embarrasment when I was sitting in the living room and asked Tom what time it was...his reply, "Seriously, you can't see what time it says?"

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Anna gets a Pillar Award for Respect...

Anna was honored at School for being a respectful member of her classes.
This award is given to student nominated by their teachers.

Anna in the Auditorium of SJMS
Anna in front of her locker.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Goochland Drive in...

Zach and Anna
And Me at the Goochland Drive in.
We love going to the Drive in in the Spring and Summertime it is such a great night out as a family.